Amsterdam Photo Diary Part 1

Amsterdam Travels 2014

Amsterdam Bridges

Wheels should be rolling

Amsterdam Bikes

Amsterdam Street Art

Amsterdam House Boats

Amsterdam Canal Houses

Amsterdam Canal Bridges

Lock Lock Bridge

Tommy Hilfiger Amsterdam

Amsterdam City of Bikes

Amsterdam pretty bridge

Milo Amsterdam

Amsterdam City Flag

Amsterdam Buildings

Royal Palace Dam Square

Its taken me almost 6 months to post my photos from our week in Amsterdam, this was our third time in there & we are planning on going back in March. We just love this city so much, its beautiful, cultural, friendly and so vibrant. There is always something to see or do and we never have a dull day there.

We have done most of the touristy things during previous visits so on this visit we just relaxed and explored the city making many pit stops for coffee & cake. Its such a beautiful city to walk around, It feels like you never go up the same street twice.

I would say Anne Franks House is well worth a visit, it is so moving and even worth waiting in the long queue. Canal tours are a nice way to see the city & relax. I recommend using the smaller 6 – 10 seater boats run by Eco Tours, they are very intimate, the guides are amazing & the boats are electric which are environmentally friendly too. The guides are really knowledgable and you learn a lot about the history of Amsterdam and little quirky pieces of information, we had an amazing guy called Nikolai.

We had a really rainy day on this trip & decided to take shelter in one of Amsterdam’s brown cafes. These are really old & traditional bars. It was like stepping back to the 1920’s and the place had great atmosphere. The one we visited was on the corner of Nieuwe Vijzelstraat and Flevoroute.

On the same rainy day we visited the Rijksmuseum to see some of Rembrandt’s paintings including The Nightwatch. The museum was extra busy as it was raining outside & it was in the middle of european summer holidays, but it’s well worth a visit. I would recommend getting there early. The area around the Museum is really pretty & if you manage to visit on a sunny day there is lots of green space to relax on & have a minute or a picnic. Amsterdam has so many beautiful parks that you’re quite spoilt for choice. They’re very well kept & a great way to escape the hussle and bussle of the city streets.

I took so many photos on this trip, I must have a few thousand to sort through & edit so I’ll write a part 2 to this post soon.

Let me know if you have any recommendations for places to visit in Amsterdam or things to do.

8 thoughts on “Amsterdam Photo Diary Part 1

  1. I really want to go to Amsterdam – ive wanted to go and see The Anne Frank House ever since i read ‘The Diary of a Young Girl’ a few years ago. Really loving your photos too 🙂
    Natalie xx

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