Armani Acqua For Life #1dayon10liters

Today 22nd March is World Water Day, I wanted to share with you a challenge I’ve been asked to undertake, as a way of brining attention and awareness to the Acqua For Life Campaign.

Giorgio Armani have teamed up with Green Cross International on their Acqua For Life Campaign and are working to give water access to more people that need it. According to Green Cross International 10 litres of water a day is considered a luxury in water scarce areas – in developed nations we use on average 100 litres of water a day.

I’ve been challenged to use only 10 litres of water over 24 hours. For me this is going to be a tough challenge because I like to have long showers & use water to cook with, not to mention I normally have a bath every night. So I think I am going to get through my 10 litre allowance quite quickly.

Acqua For Life 2015

The blue jerry can holds 10 liters, that really isn’t a lot when you look at it. Would you be up to the challenge? Am I? Make sure you check back tomorrow to see how long it took me to use up my water. Also follow the #1dayon10liters on twitter for lots of updates. 

‘Acqua for Life is a humanitarian campaign on a global scale that was launched in 2011 by Giorgio Armani. The project was created in light of a simple, yet fundamental, consideration: water is one of the most important elements of life, yet in many parts of the world, access to this essential is a daily struggle. 768 million people are deprived of a safe source of drinking water around the world. Children, being the most vulnerable, are the primary victims: 4,000 children die every day across the globe from diseases contracted by consuming unclean or contaminated water. It is a Programme / Campaign which aims to stimulate greater awareness about water safety and scarcity.

The Acqua For Life campaign is there to help provide clean drinking water and sanitation for people all over the world. Over 800 million people around the world live in water poverty which means they don’t have safe, reliable access to clean water.

Armani Aqua For Life

They also provide education, for example in Morelos, Mexico Children and parents were invited to participate in educational workshops, where they learnt about water contamination, how to avoid water-borne diseases and how to purify water in their homes. Which is so important to keep people safe and let them know how they can safely drink the water.

For myself and the other people taking part it is a bit of fun, an attempt to raise awareness and see how hard it is to have access to so little water, but this is a reality for millions of people.

If you’d like to get involved, donate or just read more about the project then you can do so here

*I have not been paid or sponsored to write this post.

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