Happiness Is

Sometimes its nice to put down the beauty products & talk about what makes you happy. So thats what I’m doing in this post. After a tough few years you discover the small things that make a difference & these are a few things that have been making me happy.


I really like the changing of the seasons. Its like the cycle of a new season starts a clean slate, an opportunity to start fresh & set new goals. Its a reminder that nothing is forever & change isn’t always a bad thing. I love to see the leaves on the trees throughout the year changing from lush and green to golden brown & eventually watching them fall to the ground marking the end of another year. I feel a comfort with the changing of the seasons & Autumn will always be my favourite. It’s so beautiful, I have been enjoying the crisp fresh mornings sipping on my chai tea. I like watching Autumn slowly slipping into Winter. What season is your favourite?

Christmas Releases

I love this time of year for all the Christmas releases & limited edition products. Top of that list is LUSH I don’t ever go too mad in there but I treat myself to a couple of things from their Festive range. So far I have used Butter Bear & Melting Snowman, both are really nice but as you may have seen from this post Butter Bear is my favourite so far. It’s soothing and left my skin so soft & at £1.95 its one of LUSH’s more affordable products. Also bubble baths have to be one of the most relaxing things to do on a cold winters evening so LUSH & relaxing baths just go hand in hand.


I have been spending quite a lot of time in Scotland over the past few years & the silver lining on a bad situation is that I get to spend time with my family & these two Munchkins are my niece Alyvia & my brother Gary. We always have a lot of fun & its nice getting to spend afternoons with them sipping hot chocolates & planning adventures.

St Andrews Scotland

St Andrews is such a beautiful place, John & I always take time out to visit when we’re in Scotland. It’s just so calm and relaxing not to mention utterly picturesque. Even though its a very small place it gives you everything it has in abundance – history, architecture, windswept beaches and Ice Cream (good ice cream is important). I never tire of walking around the quaint streets and I’m looking forward to visiting in November. Winter in St Andrews is cold but beautiful, its an excuse to stop for a coffee to warm up your hands. Have you been to St Andrews?

6 thoughts on “Happiness Is

  1. That’s a lovely post, and I know from your twitter you go to Scotland loads, I think you left your makeup there once or forgot to take it one or the other::: my family live in Ayrshire and it’s such an amazing place seems to be always cold but so beautiful.


  2. I´d like to think that it´s autumm for real, but here in the south of Spain it´s so hot still… Want the leaves to turn yellow…some autumm please…

  3. LOVE hot chocolate and you’re so lucky to get to spend time with your family like that. It sounds like a blast 🙂 I agree Lush bath products are best in winter. your brother is ridiculously good looking. It’s almost not fair haha.

    Wish you a Happy Hallowe’en! ♥

    If you want to enjoy more Halloween posts, check out my blog at http://StorybookApothecary.com

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