Models Own have released some new colours in their fab Beetlejuice nail polish range. There are 3 new colours for Spring/Summer 2012. Indian Ocean looks like the best one too me. Each polish is £5 each, that’s a really good price for a nail polish. Also Models Own have really good quality products so the price tag i feel is very good. These were released on the 19th March so i am off to my Boots to have a look (I say look but what i don’t tell my hubby is that I AM going to buy some).
Taking inspiration from the colours of a hot Summer haze these duo chrome polishes each contain four pearlescent colours and feature a high gleam finish.
The three new colours are …….Pictured below (top right)
Copper Pot – a deep olive tan
Tropical Sun – a glistening sunset of orange
Indian Ocean -a calming iridescent blue with soft pink undertones

I have been lusting over these polishes for the longest time. Models Own are doing a great boxset deal on their website, you’re getting all the new Beetlejuice colours plus Aqua Violet, Pinky Brown, 3 in 1 Base Coat + Top Coat and Gloss all for £20 that’s a saving of £10. Well worth a look!
Also whilst I’m in London in April I really want to visit the Models Own Bottleshop they are going to have some exclusive nail polishes & it looks fab.