Holiday Blues

I got back hom last night from 5 glorious days in Amsterdam. It will take me a wee while to get back into the swing of things. So give me change to catch up on blogs & comments. Thank you for all the comments whilst I was away, It was lovely to return home to comments on my blog. Makes me happy.

I did pick up a few beauty bits whilst I was away. I tried to be good and not spend too much but there were some things i couldn’t resist. I will do a blog on on Dutch Haul over the next couple of days.

Here are a few Instagram’s from the past few days.

Fresh faced in Amsterdam, Steak at  Nachtwach restaurant, Beautiful canals, Inglot Cosmetic store, Electric Camper, Canal houses

4 thoughts on “Holiday Blues

  1. it looks amazing Vicki! take it you made a sneaky inglot purchase? SO jealous would love an inglot eyeshadow palette 😀 hope you had a lovely time too 🙂 xx

    1. We had a really great time. I did purchase a palette from Inglot. Its an amazing store. Wish i had got some blushes too

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