Instagram Round Up #17

I am finally back in a routine after the Xmas / New Year break and its nice to be back and focused ont he year ahead. I made some big changes in my life before Christmas. The biggest and most exciting was to go Vegan  – for health reasons and my husband is doing it too and we are feeling the benefits. Its been almost 2 months and we’re finding new and yummy things to eat everyday.

Instagram Roundup Playmobil / B&B Surf Spray / The Blue Flower / Green Tea & Lemon / Beauty / Soya yoghurt/ Rekorderlig . Silverchair / Pomegranate & Orange Tea

I’m trying to read more books this year and that would’ve been easier to achieve if i hadn’t obliterated my kindle just before Christmas. So annoying, I’m gutted. Back to reading books which isn’t bad but I had so many on my Kindle waiting to be read and now I have to buy new ones. If you’ve any book recommendations for me, I’d love to hear them.

2013 has been OK so far. Had some bad news but I guess you have to face these things head on and try to be as positive as you can. I’m lucky to have a wonderfully supportive husband and super nice friends so I am lucky and grateful for that. I just want to have a relaxing and quiet end to January.


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