Instagram Round Up #20

I’ve had quite a busy week, I was a Bridesmaid at my friend’s wedding in Wiltshire at the weekend and we stayed in the most gorgeous country manor. I also visited Whole Foods and spent a little too much money on Vegan options. As we changed our diet to Vegan in October last year. Its always nice to visit a food shop that has more options.

I’ve also been trying to really condense down my makeup collection. I want to use more of the things I have instead of reaching for the same things everyday. So I’ve gone through all my products and chucked the items that are old like mascaras and lip glosses. So I can see more of what I have. I am in the middle of getting better makeup storage. Trying to think of fun ways to store it.

Instagram Roundup

Country Pub / Hair Cut / Wedding Cards / Makeup / Spring / Clean Car/ New Look / Packing / Coffee on the Go

On Monday I have to make the final payment for my holiday in June to San Fransisco. SO I’ve been trying not to go out spending money (apart from Whole Foods). I’m so excited for SF. I have been once before about 5 years ago and loved it, so I am looking forward to going back. Have you been to SF, or do you live there, I’d love to hear your suggestions of places to visit.

Instgram Roundup Cheltenham / Whole Foods / Hotel Products / Husband / Bridesmaid Gift / Makeup / Tea for One / Whole Foods / Apple Cider

March is always an expensive month for me as It’s when all my car tax, insurance and MOT need renewing so that’s always a bummer and it seems to come around quicker every year. The first 2 months of 2013 have flown by so quickly. I had plans of doing so much with my time & I don’t think I have managed to do any of the things I wanted to. I am hoping March Is a little more successful. Oh and if you haven’t been to a Whole Foods yet you need to go. Its the nicest food shop ever. I just with there was one closer to me. The nearest one is 150 miles away.

Sorry there are a few more instagrams than normal but I seemed to take alot more this past week.




9 thoughts on “Instagram Round Up #20

  1. Oh I’m so jelly! I wish we have Whole Foods here – nearest one I think for where I am is London! I loved this shop while I was in the US for over a year and missing it so much. Love the selection and food. πŸ™‚ I hope you have a good trip in SF, it’s a lovely place and it’s on our holiday list.

    Found this link via Twitter πŸ™‚

    Xx Donah

    1. Thanks Donah – I went on my way to my friends wedding down South. Its quite a way for me so wont get to go back anytime soon. I did buy enough food to last me a month! You must visit SF its a really great place. So vibrant and laid back.

  2. I went to San Francisco about 4 years ago and absolutely loved it. I hope to go back soon, I loved Muir Woods, lunch in Tiburon, the Alcatraz night tour, burritos in the Mission as well as drinks on the roof terrace at Medjool and seeing the graffiti at Clarion Alley, City Light bookshop and winetasting in Sonoma – we stayed at Beltane Ranch in Glen Ellen which was beautiful.
    I wish there was a Whole Foods in the north of England!

    1. I wish there was a whole foods up here too! I would be there all the time.
      Thankyou so much for your SF recommendations. I went to Alcatraz during the day last time but my Husband really wants to do the night tour. Burritos in Mission sounds like a plan.

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