Instagram Round Up Week #8

This has been a busy week & if you follow me on Twitter you will know the we moved from Scotland to North West England & we will eventually settle in Manchester when we find a place (the hunt is on). So we were busy packing & unpacking thats about as exciting as my week got. We are quite tired from it all and will be taking a few days off to relax before house / flat hunting.

Huge jar of Nutella, Blue skies in Dundee, Brew & the weekend supplements, Kleenex Shine Sheets, Aldi Body Scrub, Me & the hubby


Frozen Yoghurt (so good), Movie snacks, Night out in Liverpool, Avon blusher, Mac Lipstick, MUA stand in Manchester

It’s my lovely husbands birthday on Monday she we will be having a little celebration – but we’re going to Amsterdam in August as a little treat. We are really looking forward to that. Hope you all had a lovely week & are enjoying your weekend.

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