It took me a wee while to get used to the scent of this Jurlique Soothing Cleanser, it has a very herbal smell to it. Its very strong, at first I wasn’t too sure about it. The sales assistant in SpaceNK recommended this as i wanted a morning cleanser, an alternative to my Liz Earl Cleanse & Polish. I wanted a non hot cloth cleanser for the morning so this is what she recommended for sensitive skin.

OK so scent aside (I am used to it now) this is a great cleanser it has a very calming affect on the skin and is really gives your skin a deep clean. It also removes all traces of makeup and this I really like. I hate cleansing then having to repeat because there is still makeup left. Double cleansing is OK if you are wearing a little more makeup than normal but when you’re using quite a pricey cleanser i don’t want to use twice the amount each time.
Since using this cleanser i have noticed my skin is calmer and less red. This cleanser doesn’t strip the moisture from your skin it leaves your skin feeling bright and fresh. So i am enjoying using it & after using it for a good 6 weeks i still have over half the bottle left. For the 200ml it costs – £27.50
This isn’t the first Julique product i’ve used, i have used their hand creams and loved them. I am defiantly going to look at their product range and pick up a few more skincare items. Do you have any recommendations.