A Day Trip To Padstow

Despite Cornwall being SUPER busy with tourists & people trying to get a holiday in without travelling abroad, we have been trying to get out & about to enjoy what is on our doorstep. We have lived in Cornwall for almost 6 years now and have never visited Padstow, which is crazy because it is so close to us and is STUNNING. Everyone said it was beautiful and that it is jammed packed full of shops, restaurants and pretty scenery as well as having a very busy and bustling harbour. We spent the day exploring, relaxing and enjoying all the delights that Padstow has to offer. We landed lucky with the weather and decided to walk the 3 miles from Wadebridge to Padstow (and back) along the famous Camel Trail. Most people cycle this route, but we decided to take our time and walk. It was peaceful, and you had some incredible views across the river.

Here are a few of my favourite photos from the day, I took hundreds, and it was hard to narrow it down to the ones I am sharing. There was something pretty to take a photo of at every turn, the views, cottages, streets and businesses are all so quaint and photo worthy. I will 100% be popping back for a second visit – if only for another ice cream.

Padstow Harbour Cornwall