Whats in the box

Just a quick post to say I have made a small NY resolution. I’m sure most of us beauty bloggers are guilty of having a box (or boxes) full of samples. They seem to accumulate over time and I never seem to get around to using them. I haven’t been getting so many since I cancelled my Glossybox subscription. But I certainly have box full and have made it my mission to make an effort to use up what I have before purchasing new products.

Beauty Samples

Let me know if you have a box of samples that is ever-increasing – I’m determined in 2013 to get to the bottom of mine. So look out for some samples in my Monthly Empties posts.

5 thoughts on “Whats in the box

  1. I have been slowly working through my stock of samples too. It’s amazing how quicky they mount up isn’t it?

    Rebecca @ arrceebee.blogspot.com.au

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