50 Things That Make Me Happy

The lovely Hayley who has a beautiful blog all about her gorgeous family (HayleyFromHome) tagged me (challenged me) to think of 50 things that make me happy. I feel I’m quite a pessimistic one might say slightly negative person so I thought this tag might be good for me – to see if I could actually think of 50 things.

50 Things That Make Me Happy

So in no particular order,

1. Chai – I drink tea all day long & love discovering new teas but Chai is my favourite

2. Autumn – I love it when the leaves change colour

3. Museums

4. Castles

5. The night sky

6. Working from home

7. Family

8. Airports

9. Trains

10. Watching TV in bed

11. Crisp, fresh, clean bedding

12. Humous & dips in general

13. My husband bringing me a cup of tea in bed every morning

14. Amsterdam – I adore this city, its so beautiful

15. Snail mail – I love sending & receiving a good old fashioned letter

16. Anything fig scented

17. HEMA – best shop in the world

18. A new notebook

19. Friends – it is the one TV show that will never get old

20. Fairy lights – I have them everywhere

21. Taking photos – When I remember my camera

22. Jam on toast

23. Birkenstocks – Some say ugly, I say comfy

24. My wonderful Mum Linda & our daily phone calls.

25. Pyjama bottoms

26. My favourite Costa ceramic Christmas travel mug that I am still using

27. My makeup collection

28. Lemonade – traditional old fashioned lemonade

29. My cheeky beautiful niece Alyvia

30. Falafel – I could live off them

31. Massive wooly scarves & warm clothing in general

32. Road trips with my husband & taking a picnic

33. Bon Jovi – I’m an 80’s girl at heart & love Jon Bon & Richie Sambora

34. Having my eyebrows done – makes me feel like a new women

35. Into The Wild – Favourite film

36. Trash TV – I do like bad American reality shows & watch them on a Sunday morning in bed

37. Salt & Vinegar crisps

38. Being married – I love being married. Me & my husband John have been a together for 15 years now & everyday is amazing & it gets better and better.

39. Face time / Skype – most of my family & friends live all over the world & I love being able to keep in touch

40. Fresh flowers – Especially Tulips

41. Being a honest, loyal and supportive friend – I try hard to be there for the people I love.

42. Whole Foods – If I could only shop in one shop for the rest of my life it would be here. I love it

43. People watching – I could sit for hours (with a brew) and watch the world go by

44. Buying books – For myself and as gifts. I think books make the most treasured gifts

45. Stationery shops – I need & want all the stationery. Although I have no room for anymore

46. The kindness of strangers – Always comes when you need it most but least expect it

47. Puppies – I love puppies they make my heart swell

48. My Car – Its nothing flash but it represents my decision to downsize & focus on living, instead of earning and spending more money on things I don’t need or want.

49. Savoury snacks – I’m not a sweet tooth kind of girl, but give me all the savoury snacks like crisps & nuts. I am all over those.

50. Hearing my husband sing when he thinks no one is listening – to GnR or Type O Negative. Its priceless

So they’re my 50 things that make me happy. Its quite nice to remind yourself that its mostly the small things that make you happy & almost always things that are free too! Thank you to Hayley for tagging me – it wasn’t as hard as I thought to think of 50 things.

I’m going to tag Amy from Srslylou, Jennie from SailorJennie, Becki from lifelooksperfect and Sarah Temporary Secretary – I would love to know what 50 things make you happy.

Link below in the comments if you have done this tag, I’d love to read them.

10 thoughts on “50 Things That Make Me Happy

  1. I am also a pessimistic, negative person. It has, in the past, given me panic attacks so I definitely have to change my way of thinking. I really like this tag and I’ll be having a think of the 50 things that make me happy! Thanks again for tagging me, Vicki! Hope you’re having a super lovely weekend so far xxx

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