BBloggers Event at Harvey Nichols Manchester

On Tuesday night I joined about 40 other bloggers at an event in Harvey Nichols Manchester where we sipped on bubbly ate Macaroons and got to browse / shop the lovely makeup counters. Each of the counters were offering something different. You could find your perfect red lip at Chanel, learn how to get the perfect smokey eye at Stila or have an Elemis Skin Consultation (wish I’d had enough time to do that).

Bobbi Brown, Creme De La Mere and Rodial all gave talks / demonstrations. They gave an overview of their brands and spoke a little about their best-selling products. The lady from Bobbi Brown focused on their skincare & spoke about wearing a bold lip during the winter. Rodial introduced us to their Snake Mask, BB Cream and Fake Tan. The Snake Mask is now on my wish list, that stuff looks amazing. Creme De La Mere spoke passionately about skincare and the importance of using the right routine for your age. Bit out of my price range but it was interesting none the less.

Lovely Stila Christmas Offerings

I’ve recently booked a holiday to San Francisco so was on a total spending ban but I really enjoyed looking at the new Christmas releases and meeting some lovely bloggers.

Ashleigh from Belles n Bows getting a Smokey eye – courtesy of Stila 

Victor & Rolf Display

Bobbi Brown demonstration

Creme De La Mere skincare talk 

Anastasia of Dainty Desires red lip courtesy of Chanel 

Rodial BB Cream demonstration 

I would like to say a huge thankyou to Katie Atkinson for organising this event I had a lovely time. Also here are blog links to some of the ladies I met there. Dainty Desires, Palindrome Poppet, Belles n Bows, Jodie Wynyan and Miss Danielle

If you attended please link me to your post.


5 thoughts on “BBloggers Event at Harvey Nichols Manchester

  1. Sounds like a fantastic event and great brands!!! Can’t wait to see what’s in these bags… Hehe 😉

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