Bring Life To Your Instagrams

I’ve seen a few people getting their Instagrams made into prints and there is quite a few companies that do them. I found Polargram and they have 3 price options 12 prints for £5, 24 prints for £7 and 48 prints for £10. Free shipping on all orders.

I opted for 48 prints (£10), they took 4 days to arrive, I’m so pleased with them. Most of them are of my niece. I don’t live near her & I miss her cheeky face. These are a lovely way of making your digital pictures come to life. I love the one of her in her sunglasses. What a Diva

Polargram Prints

They came packaged really simply and in a small brown box, small enough to fit through the letter box (I hate collecting parcels from my sorting office). I like packaging thats no frills and is recycled and recyclable and this was exactly that.

Polargrams Instagram Prints

Polargram Prints

They are in the style of a polaroid and are really good quality. I’m going to buy a frame and put them in a collage style. If you’ve had your Instagrams printed what have you done with them?

polargram Prints

If you follow me on Instagram then you know that I love posting on there, I take lots of photots of food, beauty and my travels. If you’d like to follow me you will find me as ltbeautyblog.

I know I’m a little late to the Instagram Prints party, better late than never but I’m extremely happy with how they turned out. As I said they were a really good price and were shipped very quickly. The quality its obviously not as crisp as a high resolution image but they’re a bit of fun and a really cheap way of having a physical copy of your Instagrams.

I will be ordering a few more as gifts for my mum. I highly recommend Polargram if you’re looking to have some of your photos printed.

11 thoughts on “Bring Life To Your Instagrams

    1. They are so worth the money. I have so many photos on Instagram & I kept meaning to order some. So glad I did.

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