Bring Life To Your Instagrams

I’ve seen a few people getting their Instagrams made into prints and there is quite a few companies that do them. I found Polargram and they have 3 price options 12 prints for £5, 24 prints for £7 and 48 prints for £10. Free shipping on all orders.

I opted for 48 prints (£10), they took 4 days to arrive, I’m so pleased with them. Most of them are of my niece. I don’t live near her & I miss her cheeky face. These are a lovely way of making your digital pictures come to life. I love the one of her in her sunglasses. What a Diva

Polargram Prints

They came packaged really simply and in a small brown box, small enough to fit through the letter box (I hate collecting parcels from my sorting office). I like packaging thats no frills and is recycled and recyclable and this was exactly that.

Polargrams Instagram Prints

Polargram Prints

They are in the style of a polaroid and are really good quality. I’m going to buy a frame and put them in a collage style. If you’ve had your Instagrams printed what have you done with them?

polargram Prints

If you follow me on Instagram then you know that I love posting on there, I take lots of photots of food, beauty and my travels. If you’d like to follow me you will find me as ltbeautyblog.

I know I’m a little late to the Instagram Prints party, better late than never but I’m extremely happy with how they turned out. As I said they were a really good price and were shipped very quickly. The quality its obviously not as crisp as a high resolution image but they’re a bit of fun and a really cheap way of having a physical copy of your Instagrams.

I will be ordering a few more as gifts for my mum. I highly recommend Polargram if you’re looking to have some of your photos printed.

Instagram Round Up Week #13

This has been a quick week to say the least. Although we have managed to catch up with friends at our local pub quiz. In which we came second – our highest result to date. We also had a great night out in Liverpool over the weekend re visiting some of our old haunts – I met my lovely hubby in Liverpool 13 years ago & it’s always nice to go back there.

We have also viewed a house we really like and have put an application in for it, so we really hope we get it. My belongings have been in storage over a year and I miss them. So keep your fingers crossed we get it. Should know by the end of the week.

Also the blog has had a beautiful re design, I am sure you noticed. It’s looking a lot brighter & we now have snazzy icons for Twitter, Bloglovin, Hello Cotton –> so I hope you follow us if you’re not already.

Night out in Liverpool / August Favourites / St Ives Body Scrub / Lots of Cakes / New Shoes / Cute China Tea Cups

Instagram Round Up Week #12

For half of this week we were up in Scotland seeing my dad (he had a massive stroke in December). It’s nice to spend a little time with him and see how he is progressing. It was also my Aunts birthday so we managed to see lots of family which is always nice. The other half of this week was spent trying to catch up with work and more house / flat hunting. Still trying to figure out exactly where about to live in the NW. So many nice options. So if you have any recommendations of locations in or around Manchester I would love to hear them.

The weather has been absolutely mental this week. I always seem to wear the wrong footwear. When it rains i have on flip-flops / sandals and when the sun is out i have on boots. Can’t seem to win. I’m hoping we still have some cracking Indian summer weather ahead and this isn’t the start of Autumn. I’ve too many summer clothes that haven’t seen the light of day for this to be the end of the warm weather.

Here is my weekly roundup

Driving to Scotland, Fake Moose Head, Essie Nail Treatment, Makeup, Starbucks, Stella Cidre <3

Veggie Burger, Topshop Highlighter, Witch BB cream & Serum, Tuna Salad Roll, Book I’m currently reading, Catching up on work

Instagram Round Up Week #11

This has been a week of trying to get back into the groove (in a madonna style) after getting back from Amsterdam on Sunday morning. We have had a busy week of work and  catching up with friends, before heading off up to Scotland tomorrow for 4 days to see family. I dont think we are ever in one place for more that a week. We always seem to be on the motorway going somewhere.

This is a little of whats been happening this week

Gold Post Box in Manchester, YSL Serum Tester, New Razor, Me & the hubby, Tote Bag, Buying books in Amsterdam

Topshop Nail Polish, Lego Shop Manchester, Me in Inglot Amsterdam, August Glossybox – NOT IMPRESSED, Mac Lipstick in Bombshell, Meeting Sprinkle of Glitter in Liverpool – ignore the daft face i am pulling??!

Hope you all had a lovely week. :o)