Five Under £5 January 2016

Five Under £5 January 2016

I had so much fun taking part in the December Five Under £5 and was lucky enough to win Julia’s picks which was so exciting (I secretly wanted that phone case so badly). If you want to join in and link up with Julia from Rainbeaubelle then head on over to her post and get involved. I love seeing all the bargains that everyone finds.

So first up is a magazine I promised myself a few years ago I wasn’t going to just buy all the glossy magazines each month because they generally went unread and thats a waste of money but also because the content isn’t always great and they seem to be filled with more adverts than content. Saying that I have come to really enjoy Hello Fashion each month, its a relatively new magazine (I think it started last year). There are so few adverts in and the content is really good. I buy this every month and I’m never disappointed, oh & it is only £1 which is fab.

I burn candles like a crazy lady and I like reusing the glass jars which they come in too, so when I saw ASDA were selling these monogrammed candles for just £2 each I bought a few. The candles them selves are unscented but the jars are ideal to reuse with tea lights and are the perfect size for the small Yankee Candles too. I couldn’t resist.

Jan 2016 Five Under £5

Tea is my drink of choice, I always have a cup on the go. For 2016 I’m trying to drink more caffeine free tea and although these are not a new discovery for me I have stocked up on them to see me through January. This Raspberry & Peach Tea is from Lidl and its so refreshing, sometimes I leave it to cool & pop a few ice cubes in so its more like an iced tea. Either way its lovely and Lidl have quite a few caffeine free fruit teas (of which I have them all). Oh & a box of 40 bags is only 89p. If you have any tea suggestions leave them below – I love discovering new teas.

My January 2016 Five Under £5

I spied this old style plastic milk bottle Home Bargain and thought it would be good for smoothies and juices (which I drink a lot of). I bought two and they’re pretty cute. I am sucker for this kind of thing even if I really don’t need them, it was less than £2 for two so a complete bargain.

Last up is this postcard from Paperchase, I can never walk past that shop without going in and I never leave empty handed. I do like their postcard selection and in particular their positive slogan ones, I have quite a few pinned up on my office wall & fridge just little positive reminders each day. You could also frame them which I think would look really good. They are inexpensive & cost less than £1.

Let me know if you take part this month, I’d love to see what your bargain discoveries have been.

8 thoughts on “Five Under £5 January 2016

  1. Oooh you have some lovely things here, those candles are so pretty! The tea sounds gorgeous too, I really like Aldi’s Peppermint & Liquorice tea 🙂

    Jess xo

  2. Once again I want to buy everything on your list! I think I might have to head to Home Bargains to get one of those cute milk bottles, and you know I am a sucker for a herbal tea and a scented candle! These are lovely. Thanks so much for joining in again, I’m glad you liked your winnings! xx

  3. I need to go and stock up on Paperchase postcards, this one is really sweet. You know I love that tea, I don’t shop in Lidl that often anymore but I call in now and again just to stock up on tea. The Asda candles and plastic bottle are such great bargains, I’m going to look out for the monogrammed candles 🙂 #fiveunder5

  4. I have stopped buying glossies for the same reason. I think I will give this one a try. I have those candles from Asda too, they are such a bargain. I will be trying lots of new tea this month, everyone seems to be recommending gorgeous sounding ones. Lovely choices xx

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