Instagram Roundup Week #15

I’ve not done one of these for about 6 weeks. So I’ve condensed November down into this post. Not alot has been happening in my life, just working & saving. BORING. My mum did come down for a visit from Scotland & we did some serious shopping in Manchester, Liverpool and Cheshire Oaks. Has to be done.

We also sold our beloved 4×4 and bought a 2nd hand Mini Cooper so that’s exciting. I also went to a lovely Bloggers meet in Manchester at Harvey Nichols. It was nice to have an event in Manchester. Closer to home & it was really fun. I was on a little spending ban as we have booked a holiday to San Francisco next June so I am really trying to be good with the impulse buying and keep my spending to a minimum. Easier said than done.

New Mini / Tea & Mince Pie / USA here we come / Blogging in Starbucks / Origins Face Mask set / Christmas Stamps / I LOVE Tea / China Cup / Yummy Local Fudge 

From the looks of this post I drink WAY too much tea. I am OK with that

Hope you all had a lovely November. I am so excited for December. Let the festivities begin.


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