Five Under £5 June 2016

Five Under £5 June 2016

Five Under £5 June 2016

I don’t have 5 things this month, but I do have 4 really good things to share with you.  If you want to get involved and link up your monthly 5 Under £5 finds then head over to Julia’s blog at Rainbeaubelle.

PEZ £1.00

Yes I collect PEZ dispensers & have done for years. I have quite a collection & at last count I had over 200. These are my latest additions & I am pretty pleased with the Snoopy ones, they’re so cute. I always buy them when I see them in discount shops & I never pay more that £1.50. I need a neat way of displaying them & I’m thinking of a little DIY project, making something to go on the wall to put them all in. I will keep you posted.

Alpro Go On Yoghurts 80p

These are delicious & I have been trying to hunt them down for weeks, Cornwall always seems to be the last to get anything new but I have stocked up on these so I am good for the next few weeks. They are so creamy & the fruit is so sweet and refreshing. Even if you’re not into Alpro I highly recommend trying these, I think you will be surprised as to how nice they are. I only saw 2 flavours, Mango & Passionfruit, but I hope they release a few more.

Succulent Plant £3.99

My toilet downstairs has no windows & so I can’t keep a real plant in there which is a pain, so I have been on the hunt for an artificial plant. When I came across this succulent in The Range at first I thought it was real it looks so convincing. It goes perfectly in my small toilet and brings a little greenery to the space.They come in lovely mirrored pots & I think they’re cute and so inexpensive. I need to pop back in and get a couple more.

Clipper Love Me Truly Chai Tea £2.99

I LOVE Chai and this one from Clipper is not only beautifully packaged its also one of the tastiest I have tried. Its spicy and full of flavour. I wish I could buy it in bulk because I drink so many cups a day. Its what keeps me going.