This Weeks Happy #8

This Weeks Happy

Pear & Apple Tea – This is from Lidl and they have quite a good tea selection, I think I have tried them all (the green tea & lemon is my fave). I love drinking tea & this pear & apple one is nice when it’s left too cool down, I like to add ice & drink it like an ice tea. I think the taste is quite subtle but fruity and for 80p a box you need to try it. Tea is my weakness & I have quite a few cups a day. Let me know what tea you have been enjoying.

Whitworth Art Gallery Manchester – I used to walk past this beautiful gallery daily when I lived in Manchester & would often pop in and spend an hour looking around. I haven’t been in years & had the urge to visit last week. I had no idea it had undergone a massive £15 million refurbishment, they have added a glass wall so the gallery now feels like it’s part of the park & its so light and fresh inside. They have done such a wonderful job of modernising the space whilst still keeping much of the building as it was.

Whitworth Art Gallery Manchester

They’ve doubled the exhibition space available and so now have more work on show. I also love that it is free to visit & it is a space that is welcoming and family friendly. You can take time away from the busy city & feel like you’re somewhere tranquil and peaceful. I urge you to visit if you’re ever in Manchester.

EOS Lip Balms – How colourful do these look! I love the quirky packaging of these & the fact that they’re round, its so cute. I have a few different flavours & I adore them all apart from the mint (not a fan of minty lipbalms). I like the Lemon Drop because it has SPF15 in, so it is a good one to have in your handbag over summer. If you have tried any of these let me know what flavour is your favourite.

Primark Watermelon Lemonade Candle £3 – When I spotted this in the home section at Primark I knew it was coming home with me. It smells so summery, I like that it is in an old fashioned jar too (which I will be keeping). It smells sweet & fruity & I want to get the others too, if I remember correctly they had an Apple one & a Lemon one. This one is the perfect Spring / Summer scent.

Mulberry Purse -I switched to a smaller purse over the Winter in a bid to cut down on the amount of store cards, loyalty cards & general crap in my purse but I found I missed my Mulberry. I have resurrected it & I have been loving using it again. I have made sure to only put a few cards back in it & its feels more organised and less cluttered. My lovely husband bought this as a gift for me 4 years ago & the leather still looks and feels so nice, it is really good quality & I won’t be replacing it anytime soon.

Let me know what has been making you happy this week.

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