Unsung Hero

Mac Pigment in Naked

This Mac Pigment in Naked is one of those products which never gets a mention despite it being one of my most loved product. Its my one and only Mac Pigment and it has lasted me ages and there is so much product left. SO I can see it lasting me a long time.

It’s a lovely pink / beige colour with a hint of shimmer. I wear this as a base mostly, it’s a really soft colour and lends its self well to wear under other colours as it is a real fine powder and you only need a small amount of product. It is also really beautiful on its own. Esp if you want a subtle colour with a hint of shimmer. It makes your eyes look really bright.

Mac Pigment in Naked 

This Mac Naked Pigment is so versatile as it also makes a great highlighter for cheeks & under your brows & in the inner corner of your eyes. It reflects the light and gives a lovely highlight. The only downside to these pigments is they are easily knocked over & if you’re not careful you can pick up too much product on your brush. SO just be mindful that you only need a little bit & remember to tap your brush before applying it.

I think I will do this kind of post a couple of times a month as I have a few products I love that get overlooked as my collection grows. Do you feel you do this too? Have you tried any Mac Pigments?

You can buy Mac Pigments at Mac online for £16.50 for 4.5g

11 thoughts on “Unsung Hero

    1. Its the only one i own too! I normally hate anything in powder form – like mineral products. Find them far too messy. But i do have a soft spot for this.

  1. I’ve never looked twice at a pigment to be honest. They just scream gaudy and messy to me. Having said that, this looks absolutely beautiful and I love that you can wear it in so many ways. I’m really into highlighters at the moment so this is something I’ll now consider buying. Thanks! Great post 🙂

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