Cornwall Week #3


Polkerris Cottages

We are starting to get in to our groove in Cornwall, and have found our perfect spot for coffee everyday and favourite evening walk (we are creatures of habit). This week I also turned 37, because we had just spent a fortune on the move we kept celebrations low key and took a trip to Polkerris and Fowey. We have been before a couple of years ago and it is so close to where we live so it was nice just to pop there for a couple of hours. It started off a little cloudy but turned into such a beautiful sunny morning it was so nice to spend some time by the river and relax.

I don’t think I will ever get tired of seeing the sea or the beautiful white wash cottages.

Fowey Harbour

Pink Pub and Bunting

Coffee Spot


Homewear Shop in Fowey

Fowey Properties

Pastel Houses Fowey

Fowey River

Fowey Shops

4 thoughts on “Cornwall Week #3

  1. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of seeing your Cornwall pictures Vicki, they just seem so serene although I am really starting to miss you now! Although I know me and James live in the right place for us at the moment I would love to live by the sea, hope you are settled and glad you enjoyed your birthday! xx

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