New Baby

So I bit the bullet and bought a better camera, I bought a point & shoot the Olympus SZ – 11 last year & it always left me wishing my photos were a little crisper and it wasn’t great in low light. So I didn’t like using it.

My husband found a great deal on Amazon for a Canon 1100D that we were buying for one of our businesses and I had a good play with it to see if it was any good for what I wanted it for. Well I loved it, it’s so easy to use and although I have a lot to learn about all the settings, options and all the lenses you can get – I already love the photos and the quality so I bought my own. I’m so glad I did, it was most definitely worth the upgrade.


Canon 1100D

I also bought a tripod so I can take some crisp macro shots. I feel like a pro carrying this about (all the gear and no idea). My blog photos should start looking better from here on in. What camera do you use?

6 thoughts on “New Baby

  1. I have had my Canon eos 1000D for 3 and a half years now and I love it! I use it for all of my blog photos and take it out with me on trips (and use it to take photos of my cats hahaha!)
    I don’t think my model is even sold anymore, so I’m guessing it’s one notch down from the 1100D! Is it strange that I’m happy for you, that you have a Canon? (Maybe a little, sorry haha!). I still need to invest in a tripod though.

    Hope you enjoy your new camera!

  2. I shoot with a Canon 60D, and I love it too! There is just so much scope for creativity with photography! And a tripod is a great investment, I use mine for every photo I take πŸ™‚ I’ve recently written a series of photography posts if you want to check them out here πŸ™‚ Let me know what you think!

    Saffron Tinted Glasses

  3. CONGRATS! I have a canon and LOVE it! Although I recently upgraded my lens. Enjoy it! Take some time getting to know the settings because a camera is only worth it if you can use all the features!! Just followed your blog so I can see some of the great pics you take with it πŸ™‚
    Kallie, But First, Coffee

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