Makeup Storage


Makeup Storage

I’m always looking for ways to store my makeup without spending a fortune. I keep out the makeup I use most often. I like to store it in these four jars / pots. The first one is an old Twinning’s Coffee Tin and that holds my Mascara’s, although it is becoming a tight squeeze.

The second jar I found at a carboot sale in Scotland a few years ago. It is an Old Stilton Cheese Jar, I love this and I have some Lip Crayons, Concealer’s and a few other bits stored in it. It is quite wide and holds a far few products.



The cute animal tin is from Paperchase and holds a few of my brushes, this needs to be swapped for something a little bigger really – as I have a few new brushes that need a home.

Makeup Storage Solutions

Lastly I have my eyeliners in this Wales Jar – This was bought by my husbands dad when he was a little boy & was passed onto my husband years ago. It is perfect for my eyeliners.

What unusual storage do you keep your makeup in?